Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) B,R ^ yellow needle tips probably indicate that soil is too wet; do not overwater, especially in spring and summer — allow soil to ALMOST dry out in between waterings, and then thoroughly rewater; NEVER[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Palo Verde / Palo Brea (Cercidium and Parkinsonia sp.) D,R,U % trimming dead branches off could kill part of the trunk around those branches; Little Leaf or Yellow or Foothill Palo Verde (C. microphyllum) is slow growing; Blue Palo[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Elephant Tree (Pachycormus discolor) F,U,W % the combination of thick trunk, papery bark and short, fine pinnate leaves is hard to beat; winter grower; often summer deciduous; in cashew family; full sun; don’t over-water, especially in cold weather; slow[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Twisted Myrtle (Myrtus communis “Boetica”) ^* when new growth begins in spring, clip all leaves off or in half with scissors; sunlight on dormant buds will bring an abundance of growth; sun or partial shade; hardy down to 28°F. […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Orange Jasmine (Murraya exotica) F ^* likes the heat; water generously during the growing seasons, not so much in winter; can prune all year, but flower buds begin to appear in early summer. [Rutaceae; Sapindales] Orange Jasmine[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
White Mulberry (Morus alba) P,U % a fast grower; takes heavy top pruning, especially if in a growing bed. [Moraceae; Rosales]
Pink Melaleuca (Melaleuca nesophila) B,U ^ requires lots of water; buds back on old wood. [Myrtaceae; Myrtales]
Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra) A,C,F,I ^ prefers high humidity and rich soil mix; water well to flush out salts; likes a lot of light; one older report says Diazinon® is potentially harmful, so use with extreme caution on this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Desert Fern / Feather Bush (Lysiloma thornberi) U %* [Fabaceae; Fabales]
Japanese Privet / Wax-Leaf Privet (Ligustrum japonicum) F,S,W ^ do not overwater, yet do not dry out; too wet soil will result in root rot; subject to scale; roots grow fast and fine; “Clip and Grow” is the preferred[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…