Orange Jasmine (Murraya exotica) F ^*

      likes the heat; water generously during the growing seasons, not so much in winter; can prune all year, but flower buds begin to appear in early summer.    [Rutaceae; Sapindales]



Orange Jasmine (Satinwood) – Murraya paniculata

General information: Attractive slender, upright, yet with a dense head type of shrub or tree with compound evergreen leaves that are made up of pear-shaped leaflets. Fragrant, white, orange-like blossoms which are followed by bright, decorative, red fruits.

Family: Rutaceae

Lighting: Filtered sun to moderate shade. May be grown indoors.

Temperature: The tree is hardy in zones 9 through 11.

Watering: Light to moderate.

Feeding: Every 20-30 days from early spring-midautumn, breaking for a month in midsummer. Miracid is recommended.

Pruning and wiring: Grow in a variety of styles. New growth needs to be pruned back to a few leaves after the shoots have made six or seven leaves.

Propagation: By seed or cuttings.

Repotting: Prefers moderately fertile, well-drained soil free of nematodes. Glazed and not too shallow a container.

Pest and diseases: Scales, nematodes, white flies and sooty mold.

Gordon Owen “The Bonsai Identifier”.
Watkins and Sheehan “Florida Landscape Plants”.

Compiled Thomas L. Zane