Manzanita (Arcotostaphylos sp.) R ^* usually difficult to grow in a container; treat like a cactus: very quick draining soil mix, little water, no fertilizer; buds back on old wood; successfully collecting from the wild said to be next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Magnolia (Magnolia sp.) %* leaves are disproportionately large, but the flowers make this tree a worth-while bonsai; prune after flowers start to wither; cut the top off the plant and a number of buds will sprout below; branch[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Liquidambar / Sweet Gum (Liquidambar sp.) C,S % can be used instead of Japanese Maple; prefers a neutral or slightly acid soil mix; remove all large terminal buds from the branches in the spring to encourage side buds; repot[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lavender Starflower (Grewia occidentalis) A,C,I,U %* a fast grower; prefers lots of water; takes heavy top pruning; leaves wilted from temporary nonlethal water deprivation will not rehydrate, but will eventually turn black and be shed as the plant puts[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lantana (Lantana montevidensis) F,U,W %* cut back heavily just before leaf buds open in late winter; extremely attractive to white flies; trunk very slow to fatten in its pot, so start with as big a specimen as you can. […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Rhapis / Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa) I ^ a slow grower; wiring not used with; best with some shade. [Arecaceae; Arecales]
Juniper, Prostrate (Juniperus prostrata ‘Foemina’) M,U ^ see above. [Cupressaceae; Pinales]
Juniper, Procumben (Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’) B,M,U ^ junipers are NOT indoor bonsai ; pinch/pull off fat new buds on all junipers with fingers, not scissors (no matter how sharp they are, scissors press/crush the needles, which then[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Orange Jasmine (Murraya exotica) F ^* likes the heat; water generously during the growing seasons, not so much in winter; can prune all year, but flower buds begin to appear in early summer. [Rutaceae; Sapindales] Orange Jasmine (Satinwood)[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) A,B,S,W %* some leaf burn is inevitable by mid-June; partially defoliate by cutting off a leaf and leaving only the bottom 1/4″ of the petiole after most leaves have turned brown in mid-summer;[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…