Pittosporum (Pittosporum sp.) ^*

      susceptible to aphids and scale; “Wheeler’s Dwarf” is a common small-leaved variety; P. phillyreoides may do better in desert.    [Pittosporaceae; Apiales]  


Pittosporum – Pittosporum

General Information: Pittosporum are evergreen shrubs or small trees. They have thick, glossy, dark gree, leathery leaves. Flowers are rather small and creamy white in color. At maturity they produce a leathery fruit called a capsule. They are quite tolerant of salt sprays and strong winds common along coastal regions.

Family: Pittosporaceae

Lighting: They will tolerate full sun and will thrive in shaded areas.

Temperature: Will tolerate temperatures of twenty degrees F or less without noticeable injury.

Watering: Adequate water to keep from drying out.

Feeding: General purpose fertilizer.

Pruning and wiring: The tree has no particular natural form making it a candidate for informal upright.

Propagation: May be propagated by tip cuttings. Seeds are difficult to obtain and viability is usually poor. Grafting is useful.

Repotting: The tree needs annual repotting and may be severely root pruned. The soil should be well draining.

Pests and diseases: Cottony-cushion scale. Spray with agricultural oil.

Species suitable for bonsai:
Pittosporum tobira.
Pittosporum tobira variegatum – resembles P. tobira in all respects except for its thinner leaves variegated with white.
Pittosporum viridiflorum.


Brevard County Extension Office, Cocoa FL.

Compiled by Thomas L. Zane