Acacia | (Acacia sp.) | D,F,M,U,W ^* X |
native to Australia, Mexico and Southwest U.S.; over 2 dozen species are hardy here; rarely suffer any pest damage; may become chlorotic in alkaline soil. [Leguminosae; Fabales
General Information: This tall, semievergreen, native shrub or small tree has feathery, finely divided leaflets of a soft, medium green color. The slightly rough stems are a rich chocolate brown or grey, possessing long, sharp, multiple thorns. The small, yellow, puff-like flowers are very fragrant and appear in clusters in late winter then sporadically after each new flush of growth, providing nearly year-round bloom. The persistent fruits have a glossy coat and contain seeds which are cherished by birds and other wildlife. Acacias are sometimes called wattles or golden mimosa. Lesniewicz says that the term mimosa applied to acacia is mistaken; Ainsworth labels his acacia a mimosa. Most acacias will bear golden flowers followed by legume pods, but getting acacia to flower in bonsai culture is reputedly difficult. They have compound leaves, are well-branched, and have nasty thorns. Family: Leguminosae Lighting: Acacias prefer full sun. Temperature: Acacias are warm weather trees. They must be wintered indoors, although they generally like it somewhat cool — under 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Watering: Acacia prefer moderate to slightly dry conditions; allow the soil to dry between waterings. However, the leaves will drop if the soil is allowed to get too dry. Simon and Shuster’s recommends daily misting. Feeding: Every 15-20 days during the growth period. Use a standard bonsai fertilizer, or a low nitrogen fertilizer to encourage flowering. Pruning and wiring: Wiring can be done from spring to autumn, every other year. Use caution when wiring, as the branches can be delicate. Acacias can become leggy quickly, and tend towards top growth at the expense of lower branches, which sometimes die back. It’s essential, therefore, to keep up with constant minor pruning. Acacias have compound leaves, so leaf pruning is futile. Propagation: Seed or cuttings. Cuttings should be taken in summer and supplied with bottom warmth and rooting hormone. Propagation from seeds seems a better bet, as acacias germinate in high numbers. The seeds do need some special treatment, however, due to their hard shells. Nick the bottom ends of the seeds with a knife or pair of clippers, then place the seeds in a bath of hot (not boiling!) water. Allow them to soak for two days, then sow. Repotting: Every 2-4 years, depending on the age and vigor of the tree. Use a fast-draining soil mix, low in organic material. Reduce top growth in proportion to roots that have been pruned. Best to repot before acclimating the tree to warmer weather. They are easy to grow in any acid or alkaline soil. Pests and diseases: Aphids, flies, thrips, mites etc., also hard shelled insects like scale and wooly aphids. Occasionally anthracnose can infect leaves. The following acacias are recommended for bonsai:
Bibliography: Compiled by Sabrina Caine ] |